Positive Evolution

Hopefully this is the next phase in canned wine: increasing quality. The can container is really not that much different than a glass bottle; while some continue to argue that a bark cork allows some passage of air (it shouldn’t) that positively affects the maturation of the wine inside, the truth is that wine in […]

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More Than a Movement

There has been a LOT of press on canned wine, and with good reason. Canned wine is experiencing explosive growth, in volume, in dollars, and in SKUs. Dollar sales alone experienced nearly 69% growth in 2018, and 47% growth in volume. Yes, this growth is on a relatively small volume, but no other wine packaging […]

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“A new study from researchers at Susquehanna University and Texas Tech University of 1,000 people aged 21 to 88 determined there are six main drivers of canned wine’s popularity … .” In a quick summary of the study, the researchers found the obvious on why cans are gaining market share: convenience, recyclability, portability, serving size, […]

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Size Does Matter

Ever wonder why one can only buy certain sizes of containers for wine? 750-mL bottles, 3-L bag-in-boxes, etc.? Why in metric volumes and not Imperial? It all is due to our federal government’s Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau at the Department of the Treasury (TTB) and history. Unlike beer and spirits, wine must […]

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Cans and Tetra-Paks Growth Outpaces Bottles and Bags

The generational shift in demographics along with cultural changes are revealing themselves in how people enjoy their alcoholic pleasures – latest Nielsen data shows that ready-to-drinks along with convenient single-serves are winning customers in increasing numbers. Note, “And while spirit- and wine-based ready to drink cocktail sales aren’t skyrocketing the way malt-based cocktail sales are, […]

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The Rise of Keg and Can

The rising popularity of both keg and aluminum can does not surprise me. Both have big advantages in packaging that have more green footprints for the environment and convenience for buyers. Kegs provide volume and consistency for wine on tap, reuse of the container, and cost savings (albeit modest to be honest). Aluminum cans provide […]

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Cupcake Vineyards Introduces Wines in Cans at Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival

Aluminum containers are rapidly becoming accepted and mainstream by both consumers and producers. The logic is compelling: aluminum cans are a well-known, tried-and-true form-factor for consumers, are more lightweight than glass, don’t shatter into dangerous pieces, and chill rapidly. While can sizes must adhere to TTB regulations, hopefully finding that sweet spot will create some […]

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